100 miles ✅, what's next?

Hey Reader!

Not sure if you heard but 2 weeks ago I achieved my one big running goal.

A goal I relentlessly pursued for 7 years:

100 miles.

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Jeremy Singh
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2:17 PM • Oct 15, 2023

I shared a race recap with hard-earned lessons in this post:

But the question I’ve been getting recently is, “what’s next?”

To be honest, for running goals, I don’t know.

It’s the first time I can remember where I don’t have a specific running goal.

Sure, there are some things I’d like to do:

  • Sub 40 minute 10K
  • Hardrock 100 Endurance Run
  • A last man standing backyard race

You always gotta have a list of potential goals.

But for now, I’m letting myself recover and easing back into running while giving more attention to other things in life.

Like the Running OS Course and Community I’m building.

I’m in full monk mode creating the best running course and community possible to help you crush your running goals in 2024.

Join the waitlist here for exclusive bonuses.

But after you achieve a big goal it’s hard to know what to do next.

You feel kind of lost.

My man, David Goggins would say you’re never finished and immediately jump into the next big goal. That’s a great way to go about it.

But you don’t have to do it that way.

You can take some time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished, give some areas of your life that may have been neglected more attention, and then decide what you’re going to go after next.

There’s nothing wrong with taking a break from big running goals.

Running for running’s sake is more than enough.

And right now, the idea of traveling for shorter (half marathon to 50 mile) destination races holds a lot of appeal.

Do me a favor and reply back with your favorite races.

So I don’t have a solid answer for what’s next for my running.

But one thing is for sure, as soon as my body is ready, I’m going to…

Go for a run.

Jeremy “100 miles” Singh


2 additional things:

  1. A reminder that you can grab my free guides and training plans here.
  2. I’ve been sending this newsletter for a while now and I’d love to know what you think. It would mean a lot to me if you could spare 30 seconds for a quick testimonial here. Thank you!

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