100 miles right now

Hey Reader,

If you’re reading this on Saturday or the first part of Sunday I’m out there running right now.

Chasing my dream.

My one big scary goal:

Run 100 miles.

You see, after I finally ran a marathon in 2018, I wasn't sure what to do next. I had been working toward a marathon for what felt like forever.

I decided I wanted to see how far I could go.

So, I built a plan to run 100 miles. It’s taken 5 years, but I’m finally underway.

If you want to know more about my plan for race day, you can check out this post:

But today I want to take a moment to talk about goals.

Something I see being downplayed online.

There's so much out there about habits.

And look, I love building good habits (and attempting to eliminate bad habits - my sweet tooth is a power to behold).

But the truth is both habits and goals are necessary to become your best.

The goal sets the direction, the vision. And habits build the discipline to get there.

So set a big goal.

Something with a chance of failure.

If you know you’ll achieve your goals, then there is no fear or friction needed for growth.

For me, my big goal is running 100 miles.

Then you work backwards.

  • Yearly milestones
  • Monthly checkpoints
  • Daily and weekly habits

The big goal gets broken down all the way to what habits you need to do today.

These habits performed consistently slowly build your ability to achieve the goal.

It’s a symbiotic relationship.

So write me back and let me know what your big scary goal is. I'd love to hear from you.

Jeremy “100 miles” Singh


The Running OS course breaks down the exact system I used to go from lazy dad bod to Jacked Runner.

If you’ve dreamed of becoming a better runner, but feel like the window of opportunity to become the athlete you were meant to be is slipping away, then this is the course for you.

Because it's not too late. There's still time to realize your potential.

What’s even better is if you join the waitlist now you’ll get free access to the Running OS community.

A place to share, support, and be held accountable.

I hope you join us by clicking the button below:

The GO FOR A RUN Newsletter

Every Saturday, I share one tip to help you get stronger, run farther, and live longer.

Read more from The GO FOR A RUN Newsletter

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